You Don’t Need a Superbowl Commercial For Your Brand

We’ve been approached by many entrepreneurs and small business owners that want to create video content for their brands. What most of them have in common is the lack of a budget needed to produce the videos they want.

Do we believe that high-quality, professionally produced marketing videos can bring huge results for a brand? Yes. But you’ve got to let your video content grow with your business. You need to be creating the highest quality content that you can afford. If you can’t afford a Superbowl commercial, don’t try to create one.

If you are a small business owner without the budget to pay a videographer or video agency to create video content, here’s a simple way to start creating content without needing a budget.

  1. Make sure that you have a smartphone that has video recording capabilities.

  2. Make a list of all the frequently asked questions you get from customers (or from your mother-in-law when she is trying to understand how you can financially support her daughter).

  3. If you can answer those FAQs by heart, great! If not, (or if it makes you more comfortable) write down the answer to the FAQs in the simplest way possible.

  4. Use your phone to create short videos of you answering those FAQs. (create a separate video for each individual FAQ.)

  5. Post those videos on your website and social media. YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and Instagram are great places for short videos to be posted.

Tanner Francom

Filmmaker and Video Strategist located in Salt Lake, Utah

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